Winter Projects

We had our first snow of the season beginning Friday afternoon.  It started earlier than expected, and I was happy to get my appointments done, attend a memorial service, and get DH from the airport before the road froze.  After we were home for half an hour or so, I saw that the turkeys were back again!  I was delighted as I have missed seeing them. I counted at least nine, and maybe more in the woods. They were in the meadow, and weren’t moving around much. Of course, I couldn’t resist seeing if the two males would come when called.  The snow was falling in fat flakes drifting down.

Turkeys Visit in January ~ From My Carolina Home

I wish I had brought out the camera fully booted up and ready as I missed getting the two of them running toward me. They made a bee line for me as soon as they saw me and heard me call to them. I had the bread ready, but not the camera. It was funny to see them come straight at me at a dead run! The rest of the birds stayed in the meadow and watched, no one else was willing to take a chance, so these two got all the treats.

Turkeys Visit in January ~ From My Carolina Home

They made their purring and clucking sounds while I fed them several pieces of bread.  I think I should give them names, don’t you?  Maybe Bert and Ernie?  or Butch and Sundance?  Any suggestions?

Turkeys Visit in January ~ From My Carolina Home

It was blasted cold, around 27 degrees with snow still falling. And they just kept making circles and purring, so of course I had to give them another slice. Next time, I think I’ll put some peanut butter on the bread to give them some extra protein and calories against the cold.

Turkeys Visit in January ~ From My Carolina Home

The larger male does get very colorful as his head become more blue and the wattles get red as he struts around. I do think he is preening to get more goodies. It works too.

Turkeys Visit in January ~ From My Carolina Home

Last night, it was really coming down hard with blustery wind.

January snow Friday night2

Now that it is white outside, I want to show you some white inside. While putting away the holiday decorations, DH found a wreath in the garage that I forgot I even had!  Well, the ribbon was crushed and certainly the red flowers were needing a lift.

Wreath Winter White 1

So, I decided to rework it completely for a winter wreath. I am in the mood this month for white, as I usually do in January. White decor and cleaning up the clutter is like a refreshing break from the frenzy of the holidays. I pulled off all the elements, and then cleaned up the excess glue on the wreath.

Wreath Winter White 2

I know I have shown you how to make a bow before. This time I centered it at the top, glueing the streamers under it, using a wonderful silver color wire edge ribbon from the estate sale box. White silk poinsettia flowers were added to each side. In keeping with the clean and simple theme, I stopped there.

Wreath Winter White 5

Hanging it up, it will remain through the winter.

January White 32

One other thing I did was paint some pine cones.  These aren’t as easy to paint as you’d think.  I began with a white primer paint spraying them from the top.

Pine Cone Project 1

Then I realized that most of the pine cone you see is the underside of the petals.  So, turning them on their sides, I sprayed the undersides of the petals.

Pine Cone Project 4

I’ll be using these in a tablescape coming soon.

Pine Cone Project 3

Back outside this morning, it is obvious that we won’t be going anywhere for a while. The forecast was for 3-5 inches, but this looks like more than that.

January Snow Saturday Dawn

This was near dawn this morning, I love the winter wonderland. Good thing I stocked the pantry last week!  We are expecting a bit more snow this morning too!  There are massive power outages in the area, we are not affected.  We have a whole house generator in case it does go out so I can still sew and do some cooking.  I am going to post this while we have the internet just in case.  It was 20 degrees when I took these pictures.

January Snow Saturday Dawn 2

Being snowed in means I can get some sewing done! I have Scrap Dance Waltz loaded and I’ll share that soon as it did present a challenge.  Wild Card Weekend means lots of football on the schedule for the next two days! Maybe I can get some hand work started too.

Do you have any projects going for January?



Vintage Charm

Handmade Hangout


29 thoughts on “Winter Projects

  1. The turkeys are delightful! And I didn’t know they could be so colorful. Interesting. Here in Chicago we haven’t had much snow this year. Love your reworked wreath…especially the white pine cones!

  2. Marianne

    My daughter lives in Birmingham, Alabama and she had off yesterday due to snow and ice. I’m pretty sure it will spare us down in south Florida, hah! We used to get wild turkeys and pheasants in our backyard when we lived in upstate New York. Bert and Ernie, sounds right to me!

  3. Carol

    Loving this Snowy weather! Sooo pretty! Your wreath is lovely! Plan on catching up on my scrap booking today it’s seems I can never get caught up but this weather is giving me the perfect opportunity to work on it.
    God Bless & enjoy your day!❄️☃❄️

  4. Great shots of the turkeys!!! Love the white wreath too… I have to come up with something for my front door too. The snowman wreath still works but I”m just tired of him .

  5. Beautiful pics of the snow and turkeys! We have turkeys out here too, although they rarely show themselves. January is my month to line up my projects for the year. I gather up all the ideas I have saved, print them down, and schedule them on my calendar. Then I gather up items needed for each project and put them into separate boxes or bags along with the instructions. This way, I can see if I need to buy extra items (yarn, fabric, etc) to complete the project. This month I am finishing up a denin purse, a scarf, and putting away/repairing Christmas items. Next project: working with hubby on a wood craft. Looks like it’s going to be a busy crafting year!

  6. BJ

    Your wreath is perfect for January! The pine cones make me laugh. When my grandmother died, cleaning out the garage was a challenge because of the hundreds of pine cones hanging by strings from broom handles, rake handles, shovel handles, you name it! She was apparently supplying the local Garden Club with pine cones for their winter flora sale, and they liked the way she painted and glittered them :-). Their wreaths were, indeed, stunning, and we made sure they sent someone over to collect her last batch. I’ve already started quilty gifts for assorted 2017 birthdays and Christmas, while also trying to finish one IOU from this Christmas.

  7. What beautiful photos – I love the views from your porch! Wow – you got a lot of snow for your area! Our area of NJ is going to get spared from the storm…but we are in VT right now anyway! Enjoy your wintery weekend and stay warm!

  8. Rosemaryflower

    Well, I like your idea for the winter wreath. I just removed all of my outside lights (just the front door this year)
    and the wreath is on the fence.
    The turkeys are hilarious.
    My favorite is the chipmunk families. Especially when the babies are out and the parents are trying to chase them down.
    We only got a dusting. I hear The College of William and Mary is getting over ten inches, maybe 16

    Stay warm and happy.
    I might make a winter wreath too….. I have to dig around in the dungeon and see what I have on hand

  9. Lee Brinkley

    The photos are fabulous!! My sister-in-law sent me (I’m on southeast coast of NC) pics from Ashe County in the NW corner of NC this morning! Minus your turkey pics the scenery is the same!!! Can’t wait until next winter when I will be living in Ashe County and enjoying God’s creations!!! Stay safe and enjoy this beautiful day!!!

  10. Linda Hodges

    Carole,your photos are great. I particularly like the view on the porch showing the snow coming down. I do find your blogs interesting because of the diversity you write on.

  11. hope your power doesn’t go out – it looks so pretty doesn’t it – we all just want a little bit to look like winter then want the warmer weather back! love your turkeys

  12. How fun to have a flock of turkeys come visit. Great idea about the peanut butter. I’m sure they appreciate your generosity. Great photos, but I’m blown away by your picture of the rain. Amazing photo. Happy quilting.


  13. Leslie

    Enjoy your snow! We have been white since November here in Norther Alberta. We are in the midst of another extreme cold snap. -30 Celius this morning. Life goes on, nothing stops but it makes for great days to sew and scrapbook. Sure can’t garden! And our cross country ski trails are all closed as a result of the wildfire last May. Loving winter and January is my favorite month!

  14. Carole, I am really enjoying your blog! No turkeys for us, but we have four deer hanging out in the backyard and neighborhood. Very cold here this week (below 0 and single digits) that their coats look wooly! I had no idea that NC could get so much snow! guess I better do some weather geography and get my perspective adjusted!!

  15. Glad that you have power. I actually came over to see if you were ok after reading about all of the snow and ice the South was having. We have a few inches here and it’s around 8 degrees ( In PA )

    LOVE seeing your turkey friends and how tame they are with you ! The wreath is a very pretty project. Stay warm and safe and happily sewing 🙂

  16. Linda B

    Well, as soon as I saw the turkeys, I thought Ben and Jerry…I have a feeling it is a generational thing! Ha!
    Leslie made me feel better…we were only 0 here this morning in St Louis. And I heartily recommend growing microgreens under grow lights in the basement to keep the gardening bug satisfied. They are so nice in scrambled eggs and soups and well everything. I like your wreath re-work too, Carole, and maybe that is a good idea for a wreath I made eons ago for Christmas, but seem to not get it out anymore. Mine has brass musical instruments…hmmm. Too early to put out the Valentine wreath. Thanks for the inspiration, and everyone stay warm! Happy New Year, Linda

  17. Linda Wagner

    Love your description of the turkey’s running toward you…this is such a different image. We also have snow in Colorado (we don’t live in the mtn’s) it’s so peaceful & beautiful. After a few day’s I’m ready for more warmth, the weather person says by Wed. we’ll be back to low 50’s. Enjoy your hand sewing & football games! Linda

  18. Good Morning Carole! Oh my goodness, you are getting the snow! We actually have about a foot of snow and it has stuck around for the past week snowing more and more. Today they are saying we will be getting snow and rain! Not a good combination at all, most people who live in this area have never driven on snow…let alone snow and ice! So hubby and I will be staying at home for awhile. Plus, the temperatures have been staying below 20 and at night actually going into the below numbers. In all of my families 30 years of living in Grants Pass, Oregon we have never had this happen. No one should complain at all though because we have needed all of this snow for so many years to totally get us out of the drought zone. Yet, when the snow does begin to melt and what does not get absorbed will flow down into our two main rivers, which are already running full, which means a whole lot of flooding is going to be happening next!

    Now Carole, if I remember correctly, I thought you were not going to be making these two adorable Turkeys your pets? Does anyone else remember her saying something along those lines? Carole, I am just teasing and laughing big time! I hope you are laughing with me!! I love that gorgeous blue he is showing off! He really is strutting his stuff to show you he is the best and should get the most. I can not think of any names right now; I have to give it some serious though. But, I will get back to you. A very serious question though, why peanut butter? Plus, will the turkeys eat it? They are birds and many suets are made with peanut butter so it will most likely be a great help to them, I am just curious.

    Well, I am off to get started on a couple projects today. I keep spending to much time on the computer and not getting enough done on quilt projects. LOL. I just enjoy reading blog posts, like yours, so much it is hard not to every day. LOL. Have a spectacular day!

  19. Terrific photos of the snow, but I surely cannot say that I miss experienceing it in person! Glad you have a generator – we spend many a cold powerless run of days in MA and MD over the years.
    I saw one group of almost a dozen turkeys walking beak to tail in a row beside the creek trail today, and nearly 30 more in batches in open spaces – it looked like they were after all the new young growth from our recent rains.
    Susan, @susansquiltstudio

  20. Okay I would have loved to see that picture of the turkeys coming after ya! I’m LOL at the the thought…they like your crumbs! The view from your porch is beautiful…but that evening storm looked awful! Continue to enjoy your crafts….you reminded me I need a new winter wreath. I’m going to bake some of my healthy flax muffins along with sew today..tired of eggs every morning. LOL

  21. dezertsuz

    I expected you to have a LOT more snow than I did, and that was only a little. It’s been so cold! I’m looking forward to going above freezing tomorrow! I love the turkey pictures. Do you know what they do in the snow and cold? Too bad they wouldn’t all come up to get treats. I’m sure they could all use it! Is the peanut butter okay to give them on bread? I know it’s okay in pinecones with seeds and nuts stuck on, but I wondered if they are like dogs and would go crazy trying to get it off the inside of their mouths. I have no idea how that works with birds.

  22. The turkeys look so tame, Carole. It’s lovely to think that they trust you and will come so close. The snow photos look so pretty. Send some snow over here to cool us down – 104ºF tomorrow. Never having lived with snow, I don’t see the downsides.

  23. Cheryl Buchanan

    Loved the story about the turkeys. I tame everything I get my hands on too because I love God’s creatures. Would love for you to show us how to tie a bow. That’s an area I need work on. Hopefully will be able to finish my Scrap Dance Waltz top by this weekend and get it ready to quilt. Needed the HST practice, thank you for the pattern. Loved it. We had tons of snow too, a good time for quilting. Thank you for sharing all that you do, Cheryl.

  24. The snow looks lovely but a day or two of it is enough for me. Our frosty weather has changed to heavy rain this morning. My hands are itching to start lots of new projects but I’d like to finish something before I start too many!

  25. Sharon Schipper

    Two tops partly done, a wonky 9 patch for a boy, and working on a disappearing 9 patch with some charm packs I found in my stash, for a girl. Have 2 I know of in March, no sexes yet, one in July and one born last month whose mother will be back to work end of Feb so I want the quilt ready.

    We had a foot last week, down to 0, then up to 60 by yesterday, so water water everywhere, and sure hope my sump pump keeps up!! Love your description of the sounds they make. Yes, they do purr, and they chortle a bit. As a child I thought Tom was laughing maniacally at me just before he took off after me! Burt and Ernie best: did you know the names come from the names of George’s best friends in It’s a Wonderful Life?

    Just catching up with the emails, I had no December lull at work this year. Remind me to tell you about the job posting I told you was coming. sharon in colorado

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