Early September Garden and Oklawaha Greenway Walk

It has finally cooled down to a reasonable low 80s during the day, so DH and I can get back to doing some hiking.  This weekend, he wanted to explore the Oklawaha Greenway that runs through Hendersonville.  This isn’t hiking, just walking, but it was close and we could get some fresh air and exercise.  This greenway is a paved walking path that links several parks in our small town. It is so much green right now, and I’ll be looking forward to seeing it again later in autumn when the leaves start turning.

Oklawaha Greenway Walk

One part of the trail has a raised wooden bridge, over a swampy area.

Oklawaha Greenway Walk

Pretty little gardens appear here and there, but their blooming season is just about done.

Oklawaha Greenway Walk

I don’t know what these little wild orange flowers are, but they were in bloom everywhere!

Oklawaha Greenway Walk

Speaking of blooms, back home there are still wonderful torenias that the hummingbirds visit daily. The leaves on the torenias are losing their deep green color, signaling that their season is almost over. In the background, it looks like we are losing one of our beautiful evergreen pine trees that was hit by lightening earlier in the summer.

Early September Garden ~ From My Carolina Home

The yellow torenias are still going strong. They are a different variety, and seem to be a bit hardier. The hummingbirds will visit them too, but they seem to prefer the purple ones.

Early September Garden ~ From My Carolina Home

The geraniums are giving me one more burst of blooms.

Early September Garden ~ From My Carolina Home

The white impatiens got huge over the summer, and are still blooming like crazy too.

Early September Garden ~ From My Carolina Home

There are a few new blooms on the bargain snapdragons. I love it when I take something almost gone and bring it back with just a little water and care.

Early September Garden ~ From My Carolina Home

I have a few new blooms on the delphiniums (oops) dianthus too. I love the light and dark bands of color on these flowers.

Early September Garden ~ From My Carolina Home

There have been a couple of visitors in the garden recently too. I keep seeing these gorgeous black and blue butterflies. This one was resting on the veranda, and graciously agreed to have its picture taken, opening its wings to show its color.

Late August at From My Carolina Home

Then there was this little guy. He (she?) is a walking stick. I don’t see them often, and it is always fun when one stops by for a visit.

Late August at From My Carolina Home

Lastly, I wanted to share these photos with you. Sometimes the sunsets are quite spectacular from our veranda. These were taken in late August, and I just now have a spot to share them.

Late August at From My Carolina Home

They were taken about 10 minutes apart, and nicely show the progression of the sun and movement of the clouds.

Late August at From My Carolina Home

I wish I could get the camera to see both the beauty in the sky, and the green of the trees the way my eyes can.

Late August at From My Carolina Home

How is your garden doing?

15 thoughts on “Early September Garden and Oklawaha Greenway Walk

  1. Thank you for sharing pictures from your corner of the world. While today has been declared a severe heat day in our area, many of my flowers are showing that fall & winter are not too far away.

  2. Those cloud pics are wonderful. My garden is winding down quickly with this last burst of 90 degree weather. The orange flower is jewel weed. Their seed pods are fun to squeeze on the end and pop open. Some use the fleshy stems as a remedy for poison ivy.

  3. Beautiful photos of your walk and your flowers. The orange wildflower is called by the common name of Jewelweed. It’s botanical name is Impatiens capensis. It has another common name of “touch me NOT” because the dry seed pod wiii explode at the slightest touch and scatter seeds everywhere. The plants is a natural treatment and preventative foe poison ivy rash. Will usually be growing in the same areas as poison ivy.

  4. Melanie

    Beautiful views, great sunsets and rises from your veranda. Interesting post about the wildflower from silversprings625. :o) I cannot wait for the color of autumn to begin here in OR. My garden is doing well, but I don’t plant many annuals these days, mostly perrenials along with evergreens.

  5. catsandroses

    Looks like a lovely walk; September is a great time for hiking. What a beautiful little butterfly (and how nice of it to cooperate while you took its picture!) Think you meant to say dianthus, not delphiniums? I kept looking for a photo of delphiniums, but didn’t see any.

    My garden is winding down; just picking tomatoes every day for sandwiches & salads (my ‘sweet million’ tomato plant is living up to its name, simply can’t eat as many as it is producing, though they’re really delicious & sweet). The roses in pots are putting up some late season blooms (my tree rose has lots of blooms right now), though the ones in the gardens don’t have a lot of blooms. Picked our first apples this week; really good, but going to wait another week or so before picking lots for pies, applesauce and eating. Kiwis are going strong, though can’t be picked until after the first light frost. I’m sad to see Summer ending, but do enjoy the Fall and breaking out the flannel shirts!

  6. Beautiful scenery! Your photos are professional quality. Mine aren’t so nice. Stop by my blog at Deb’s Rustic Quilting and you’ll see what I mean. I love walking, especially when it begins to cool down. Most of my walking now is done either very early in the AM or when the sun begins to set. I walk between 5.5 and 7 miles a day. Trying to eat right and walk some weight off and get healthy in my old age.

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos. Love reading your blog!

  7. sgrancio

    Terrific pictures! I do miss the approach to autumn here in NoCA, after the progression of leaf color changes in the northeast. Local park, etc areas are green due to irrigation with recycled water, but all the trails and hills have long been totally golden-beige, depending on the light. Grass fires about, which keep the air from being crystal clear blue, too.

    There is some fall foliage, such as Chinese pistachio, but a lot of trees are very slow to go dormant and some of the perennial plants bloom practically year-round. However, no humidity, freezing rain or snow, so I am settling, lol!

  8. Great photos!! Lucky you being able to get out and take a walk. I wish I was able to do that but until I have my knee replaced, walking for any distance is out of the question.
    Thanks for stopping by!!


  9. What a wonderful walking path! I’ll bet it’s in use most of the year. On the way to Nashville today, I saw that leaves are just starting to turn – mostly yellow, but I did see one red tree! Your garden is lovely. I think the torenias might be my opportunity flower that comes up somewhere every year – this year its in the pot of mint on the back deck. LOL

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