A walk along the river

Last weekend was busy, but we made time to take a breather along the Broad River near Chimney Rock, NC.  Sometimes you just have to stop, take in the beauty that is on this earth and breathe.

River7River Rocks | From My Carolina Home

Beautiful, isn’t it?  Spring is really coming along, the trees are greening up, as the flowers are changing over to the later bloomers.


One of the things I love about the streams and rivers in Western North Carolina is the boulders in the water, some large enough to sit on while the water flows around you in a quiet undertone.

Looking upriver, there is more beautiful greenery


River |From My Carolina Home River6

I could stay here for hours with a nice picnic and good friends to share it with.

River2 River5

But, alas, at some point you have to go home.  There are lovely delights still in the garden there too.

These pretty pink rhododendrons are on the way up to the house along the drive.

Rhodo2014-1 Rhodo2014-2

A later blooming dogwood with pale green flowers is in full bloom next to the circle.

Dogwood1 Dogwood2

This Flame Azalea is in my neighbors yard.  My white azaleas are still blooming, my favorite.

FlameAzalea White Azalea

In the back of the house, on the mountainside, the rhododendrons are struggling to bloom.  It is harder due to the shade from the very tall trees.  But these dark pink ones are doing well.

RhodoPink2 RhodoPink1

Soon the potting plants will be ready for their debut.  They are all growing well.  Spring in North Carolina, such a pretty place for so many weeks!

Oh, and just in case you are wondering, the little jump-up in the driveway crack continues to hang in there too.  Hardy little thing isn’t it?


Did I show you the apple blossoms?  Our county is the largest producer of apples in this part of the country.  It is a huge part of the local economy.  The late freeze got some of the blooms, but here is what they usually look like.  This large apple blossom close up is my desktop photo every spring.

Apple Blossom close up Apple orchard 2 Apple orchard with house Apple orchard with mountain

Go for a walk this weekend.  See the beauty in your area.  It is raining here, and will be all weekend, so I am back to getting some quilting and reading done, will walk on the treadmill for exercise, then get busy finishing my picnic quilt for the challenge.  Have a happy and healthy weekend everyone!

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